Mail-In Entry Must be Postmarked by Friday, July 19, 2024!!! Registration Form - HERE
Online Entry Available Through Friday, July 26, 2024!!!
The 2024 JOOLA LA Open Table Tennis Tournament uses the OmniPong Tournament Management system to let players enroll on the Web. Once you have enrolled and selected your events, you can pay your fees online, using either a Credit Card or PayPal account. You can also mail in other forms of payment, such as checks or money orders.
With OmniPong, you can come back at any time before the deadline and update your entry. You can add or remove events, team up with doubles partners, and create PDF copies of your entry to view, print or save. The Player List is updated as soon as events are entered, so you can always check back and see who the top players are, and who else is playing in your events. Families can connect their accounts together, allowing them to manage and pay for their entries in a single session.
If you are a USATT member, OmniPong knows what events you are eligible to play, based on your rating and age, and will let you know if your USATT membership has expired and needs to be renewed.
Click * Here * if you are already registered with OmniPong to log into your account, and enroll in the tournament or update your entry.
Click * Here * if you are not registered with OmniPong to begin the registration process. After you are registered, you will be able to enroll in the tournament, and enter your events.
Click * Here * to download an entry form that you can fill out and mail in.
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